Achievements Outside the Dungeons

[You can obtain more Micro Dungeon Treasure Chests by clearing more mini dungeons or micro dungeons. The treasure chests contain a reward.]

The treasure chest had automatically been added to the system inventory, but Chen'an didn't dare to open it now. If it had any peculiar effects, it would be troublesome, to say the least. He would do so later, when no one was around.

Chemistry class ended promptly. Mr Cao didn't drag his lessons out past the bell, unlike some other teachers. Once Mr Cao left, Lu Gang made a beeline for Chen'an.

"Hurry up and go buy those sausages, Chen'an. Don't keep me waiting!"

Chen'an would have much preferred to take the time to analyze the system, but he had no choice but to relent in the face of Lu Gang's demand. They made their way to the snack kiosk, which was located just outside the school and on the way from the canteen.

The snack kiosk was usually more crowded in the afternoon or evening; few students would rush down in their ten minutes between classes to buy and gobble down their food. Lu Gang had been promised two sausages by Chen'an, so he followed him down.

Sure enough, when they got there, they were one of the few students inside.

Chen'an bought five sausages: two for Lu Gang, one for Jiang Min, another for Gao Tianjie, and the last one for himself. He had just finished paying when a notification popped up.

[Congratulations on your achievement. You bought five sausages at once without needing any loans.]

[Achievement points: +2]

Chen'an paused. So I can obtain achievements outside of the dungeons?

If he could earn achievement points from buying sausages, then what about other snacks? Chen'an stopped himself before he could get carried away; his pocket money didn't allow him to be that liberal with his spending. He had spent his whole day's allowance–ten yuan–already, and he didn't want to have to go hungry tomorrow.

Back in class, Chen'an gave the still-warm sausages to Jiang Min and Gao Tianjie, which they devoured with relish. "So good," Jiang Min said, savoring each bite. Gao Tianjie, who had practically inhaled her sausage, nodded enthusiastically.

Chen'an agreed, finishing his sausage in a few bites before turning his attention to the system.

There was a change in the system interface.

His stats window and the tab displaying his tasks were the same. However, the system shop was newly lit-up. Most of the panels in the shop were still dim, but two items in front were glowing–a pair of small bottles.

The first read 'Mini Health Potion', and the second was labeled 'Mini Energy Potion'.

Chen'an focused his attention on the two potions, and their attributes immediately appeared.

[Mini Health Potion: Available at Level 1. Allows you to restore your Lifeblood by 30 drops in 10 seconds.]

[Mini Energy Potion: Available at Level 1. Allows you to restore your Energy by 30 points in 10 seconds.]

The health potion made sense; Chen'an's stats window had a bar allowing him to keep track of how much Lifeblood he had left. But the energy potion? There was nothing in his stats window that mentioned energy. Maybe it was just because he was tired. It made him almost want to give the potion a try.

He also uncovered from the potion bottles that the items available for his purchase depended on which level he was at. Right now, Chen'an was only at Level 2, so he could only buy Level 1 items. Each bottle was worth 20 gold coins, he noted before exiting the shop. With his current wealth, he could buy three of them.

But could he sell the potions after buying them? It would be such easy money–not that he had any intention of trying that now. The world the system had created still didn't feel true to reality; he had to keep it to himself for the time being.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Chen'an found himself seated in his most dreaded class: English.

He would say that it was like being taught in an entirely different language, except that he was. The lessons' only redeeming quality was their teacher: a refined, mature beauty of a woman who walked in just as Chen'an had been musing about her.

She was dressed fashionably as usual, in a white turtleneck sweater paired with a black jacket, and light makeup that accentuated her immaculate features. Her black skirt billowed with every step of her long, shapely legs, which were clothed in matching silk tights. The plain uniforms of the female students only rendered her outfit all the more striking. Needless to say, many of the boys in class had thoughts about her that were entirely inappropriate for a school setting.

Except for Chen'an; he had been a decent boy then, and he was a decent man now.

Being honest, he found his youthful female classmates more attractive than their English teacher, although that might have just been him having spent too much time around mature women as an adult.

"We'll be going through our mock-exam papers today. Everyone has their scripts with them, right?"

[Dungeon detected. Do you wish to open it?]

The notification startled Chen'an. Then he realized that the system interface came with an option to unlock the dungeon.

[Micro Dungeon: English Class]

[Estimated haul: Basic stats points, micro dungeon treasure chest, mini dungeon treasure chest.]

[Requirements to begin: 5 achievement points]

So that was what achievement points were for: unlocking different dungeon simulations!

Currently, Chen'an had 8 achievement points: 1 from his first monster defeat, 5 from his fatal killing blow, and 2 from when he had bought those sausages. He could unlock this dungeon, if he wished. But his experience in chemistry class had forced Chen'an to reconsider his abilities, and he doubted he would be able to clear this dungeon, what with English being his weakest subject and all.

He dwelled on it for a moment longer and decided 'no'. The pop-up window disappeared.

Around him, his classmates had opened their English textbooks. During their break, the English class representative had gone to collect their test papers and distributed them before the lesson. A far more positive example than the chemistry representative–who, in fairness, may have just been too afraid to enter the department head's office.

Chen'an took out his test paper: 75 marks. Which seemed a decent score until you considered that the mock-exam was worth 150 marks.

Memories came flooding back as he stared at his script. Was that a headache coming on?