Gym Class Dungeon

The system's voice startled Chen'an. He had received no prompts from the system ever since he'd turned down its offer to open the dungeon in English class; he'd thought it had decided to leave him alone for a day. Apparently not.

As of now, he didn't understand what made a dungeon available or not, but he could give this one a try. Before opening it, he took a moment to scan the preview of the dungeon.

[Micro dungeon: Gym Class]

[Estimated haul: Basic stats points, micro dungeon treasure chest, mini dungeon treasure chest]

[Requirements to begin: 8 achievement points]

The rewards were adequate. Ever since he had received Mr Cao's notebook, Chen'an had become increasingly intrigued as to what else he could obtain from them. If even a micro treasure chest had gifted him with a piece of equipment that boosted his Spirit by one point, he would likely stand to gain better equipment from a mini treasure chest.

What he hadn't expected, however, was that this dungeon seemed to have been strategically chosen for him. Activating it required 8 achievement points, the exact number he currently had. A perfect fit.

Chen'an willed the dungeon to activate, and the system voice echoed in response:

"Dungeon is being created…"

"Dungeon complete. Micro Dungeon [Gym Class] is loading…"

"Main and side tasks have been extracted…"

"Dungeon has been unlocked. All the best."

Accordingly, the main and side tasks materialized in his quest tab.

[Main task: Pass the assessment criteria of the gym teacher and you will receive 60% of the dungeon rewards. An outstanding performance will earn you 100% of said rewards.]

[Side task: Defeat as many Level 3 and above monsters on the field as possible. Rewards increase by 10% for every monster killed.]

As the system finished loading, the monster titles of his classmates and teacher manifested above their heads, visible only to Chen'an. Lu Gang's stats read:

[Level 1 Weakling]

[Health: 30 / 30]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Weakling doesn't have the strength to throttle a chicken. Maybe a feeble one, if he tried hard enough.]

Clearly, the system was identifying Lu Gang as an easy low-level target. On the other hand, Li Chaoqun's stats were as follows:

[Level 2 Average Joe]

[Health: 50 / 50]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Takes time to warm up, but has potential.]

His stats were more favorable than Lu Gang's, though that wasn't saying much. They matched most of the students' in Class 37, apart from a few other Weaklings. So, all one had to do to be classified as Level 2 was to be reasonably fit–which only made Lu Gang's stats all the more unfortunate.

A few sports students were stretching in one corner. Chen'an studied the stats of the one closest to him:

[Level 3 Athletes]

[Health: 100 / 100]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Athletes have honed their abilities through rigorous training, and wield a definitive advantage over Average Joes when it comes to specialized skill sets.]

Clearly, these were the Level 3 monsters that the side task had described, who had been admitted to the school for their athletic prowess.

Lurking on the field, too, were a few special monsters.

[Level 3 Cheerleader]

[Health: 70 / 70]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Worships the top athletes in school and follows them closely around school. Has developed particularly formidable vocal abilities from habitually screaming in delight at said athletes' abilities.]

It was the first such monster Chen'an had seen. He wondered how powerful they were, and if they would be tougher to deal with than the Athletes.

And yet, all those monsters paled in comparison to the BOSS that was his gym teacher.

[Level 5 Alpha Athlete (BOSS)]

[Health: 1500 / 1500]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Dominance in gym class is unmatched. All must bow to his commands.]

Chen'an's will nearly evaporated right then and there, taking flight on a pair of coward's wings. He wasn't capable of taking on this BOSS, not with his current level of fitness–or even double it. Not unless he broke into the hospital when his teacher's rheumatoid arthritis was acting up and unplugged his oxygen tanks.

Meanwhile, the students had lined up according to their teacher's instructions.

"Today is your 1km run test. Our warm up jog will be canceled to help you conserve energy. Everyone, spread out, with the exception of those in the middle."

[Warning! Alpha Athlete is issuing commands. Please do as he says, or heavy damage will be incurred.]

The set of Chen'an's mouth turned grim. Giving orders from the start? This dungeon might be even harder than he had anticipated. He wasn't about to defy his teacher and risk retribution, though, so he followed his classmates in spreading out.

When they were done, their gym teacher's voice boomed again. "We'll be stretching now. First, head rotations. Count with me: one, two, three…"

The students fell into a common rhythm. As Chen'an was preoccupied with studying them, he missed a beat and fell out of time.

[Warning! You failed to follow the rhythm set by Alpha Athlete. Current Lifeblood: -10]

Shock slapped Chen'an across the face. 10 drops? He had only been a beat short!

If he refused to participate in the activity, would he die on the spot?

God. This dungeon made his earlier ones look like child's play. He launched himself back into the correct rhythm, anxious not to fall behind again. Thankfully, their teacher wasn't a sadist, and the tempo he set was easy to follow, as long as you paid attention. Chen'an allowed himself a tiny flicker of relief.

The rest of the warm-up passed without a hitch, and their teacher announced their objectives for today.

"Your 1km run begins now. Girls start first. If any female students need to sit out, let me know now."

Chen'an glanced at Gao Tianjie, remembering what she had said about being 'indisposed' in class.