Beast Tide Retreat, Spiritual Energy Bloom (3)


"The demon beast tide has retreated?"

"They really retreated!"

"That's great!"

"We've won. The demon beasts have retreated!"

Surprised voices immediately sounded in this space, followed by endless cheers.

The demon beasts retreated! All the demon beasts retreated, as if they had received an irresistible order.

This order was naturally given by Li Hao. At this moment, these demon beasts had already received the news of the death of the nine demon immortals and knew that their master had changed. If they did not rush back, they would probably die.

Demon beasts were also afraid of death.

Li Hao looked at the endless demon beasts kneeling in front of him and slowly frowned.

How should he deal with so many demon beasts? This was a problem.