Chapter 3 I Don't Like Your Type_1

Feng Lin followed the small path by the river, preparing to buy a bus ticket when he suddenly sneezed.

He touched his nose and looked at the willow tree in the distance.

A middle-aged man with oil-slicked hair and graying strands was powerfully practicing boxing.

By his side stood a tall man dressed in a suit.

Very strong, clearly a trained martial artist.

Feng Lin stood on one side and watched for a while, then gently shook his head.

Although he had developed Dark Energy, his body's injuries would prevent him from advancing further in this lifetime.

Feng Lin wasn't a saint; there was no need for him to advise a stranger he'd met by chance.

He walked past him directly.

Zhou Tian had already taken notice of this headshake.

He initially thought that Feng Lin, as a casual player, was about to offer him some advice.

To flaunt his pitiful amount of knowledge.

Unexpectedly, the young man didn't say a word.

This, instead, piqued Zhou Tian's interest.

"Young man!"

Zhou Tian took off the white towel from around his neck, wiped the sweat from his face, and stepped in front of Feng Lin.

"What's up?"

Feng Lin said indifferently.

"May I ask the meaning of the shake of your head just now? I'm somewhat ignorant and like to ask others for instruction," Zhou Tian said to Feng Lin with a smile.

"I just feel it's a pity; you have decent talent, but with bodily injuries and advancing age, this is as far as you'll get in this life," Feng Lin glanced at him calmly and then walked away.

Zhou Tian's expression changed drastically; his hidden injury had persisted for more than twenty years.

No one outside the family knew.

How did he know?

"Sir, please wait!"

Zhou Tian blocked Feng Lin's path again, changing his address from the previous "young man" to "sir."

"What is it now?"

Feng Lin stopped.

"I am Zhou Tian. May I know your esteemed name?"

This time, Zhou Tian's expression was respectful.

"My name is Feng Lin. Don't be so formal; your injury is difficult to treat," Feng Lin grasped Zhou Tian's wrist.

Meanwhile, the tall man standing behind Feng Lin thought Feng Lin was about to attack Zhou Tian.

He leaped at Feng Lin like a fierce tiger.

However, Feng Lin, as if having eyes on his back, easily dodged his attack and casually placed his hand on the man's chest.


The muscular man's eyes bulged, and his body shook violently.

He uncontrollably flew backward into the nearby river, causing a big splash.

Throughout, Feng Lin never even looked at him.

"Dark Energy Transformed!"

Zhou Tian's voice trembled, and his heart stirred up huge waves.

When did such a figure appear in Jiang City?

Entering true martial arts begins with the transition from Ming Jin to Dark Energy.

Zhou Tian was in the Dark Energy Late Stage himself, leading the Zhou Family to become one of Jiang City's four major families with just his own power.

But the man before him had clearly moved beyond Dark Energy and entered the Transformation Realm.

To turn the intangible force into tangible.

"Apologies to your man, that was my instinctual reaction," Feng Lin released Zhou Tian's wrist and continued, "As for your injury, it doesn't matter whether you treat it or not; even if it heals, advancing further will be quite difficult."

"Sir, if you don't mind, please come visit my home," Zhou Tian bowed respectfully.

"No need. I came here to break off an engagement, and now that it's done, I plan to go back," Feng Lin said casually, waving his hand and walked away, hands in his pockets.

"Break off an engagement?"

Zhou Tian murmured to himself, then immediately turned towards the river, "Xiao Zhang, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

The muscular man climbed out from the water.


With his hands in his pockets, Feng Lin followed the small river path and left the eastern district.

Arriving at the bustling area of Jiang City.

Looking around, Feng Lin finally felt a sense of familiarity.

He had spent three years in high school here, but he had never set foot in the villa area where the wealthy lived.

But for other areas, he knew them like the back of his hand.

"Are you Feng Lin?"

Suddenly, someone blocked Feng Lin's path.

Feng Lin stared at the man in front of him, feeling a sense of recognition, but couldn't remember at the moment.

"You forgot? I'm Guo Dong, your high school classmate."

Guo Dong pointed to himself with a smile.

"Oh! It's you."

Feng Lin suddenly realized that Guo Dong had been the loudmouth of the class in high school, always overly familiar.

He used to be very skinny, but now, he seemed to have put on some weight.

"Haha! So you're also developing your career in Jiang City, I didn't even know. We should catch up sometime when we're both free."

Guo Dong gave Feng Lin a warm hug.

However, after the hug, his short girlfriend immediately straightened his suit.

She cast a disdainful glance at Feng Lin.

As if to say, Feng Lin wasn't worthy of touching Guo Dong.

"This is my girlfriend, Qian Jing," Guo Dong introduced with a smile.

Qian Jing didn't give a friendly look, glancing at her wristwatch from time to time, she said impatiently, "Can we go now? What's so important about a classmate compared to boss Li?"

Feng Lin didn't mind and merely waved his hand lightly, "You go ahead if you're busy."

"Alright, let's exchange phone numbers..."

"Let's go!"

Qian Jing didn't wait for Guo Dong to take out his phone, she pulled his arm and left.

"She's my classmate, what are you doing?" Guo Dong asked quietly.

"Classmates are divided into rich and poor. Look at his outfit? Better stay away from him; he might just ask to borrow money," Qian Jing replied.

As she spoke, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class passed by her.

That car is worth a million on the road.

Her eyes showed uncontrollable envy as she took several more glances.

That kind of car, she'd probably never hope to buy one in her lifetime.

Suddenly, her eyes bulged; the Mercedes-Benz S-Class actually stopped right in front of Feng Lin.

Initially, Qian Jing thought the driver must be asking for directions.

But she saw a tall, beautiful woman get out of the driver's seat, holding Feng Lin to prevent him from leaving, and even pushing him towards the car.

Seeing this, Qian Jing was dumbstruck.

The actions of those two clearly showed they knew each other.

"Quick! Get his number! Hurry!"

Even if she was foolish, Qian Jing could tell what was happening.

A regular person, being so close with a beautiful woman driving a million-dollar luxury car?

Guo Dong also froze on the spot, and by the time he came to his senses, the car had already driven off.

"You're really useless! Didn't I tell you to hurry up?"

Qian Jing shouted angrily, shoving Guo Dong.

"And you have the nerve to say that? Who was it that was looking down on people just now?" Guo Dong couldn't help but growl back, "With your attitude toward him, it's a miracle he doesn't hate me already!"

With a deep sigh, Qian Jing was filled with regret; someone of his status could probably help them land a good job with just a word.

She wished she could slap herself.


Feng Lin sat in the passenger seat, turning helplessly towards Xu Ruoying, "What do you mean?"

She had actually said that if Feng Lin didn't go with her, she would publicly claim he had fathered a child with her and that he was a cad.

Feng Lin, a respectable young man, certainly didn't want to be misunderstood.

"I want to marry you."

Xu Ruoying's eyes remained fixed ahead, her expression cold.

Feng Lin suddenly grew serious, "You better not actually have a child and are making me play daddy?"

"I've never had a boyfriend, all my firsts are still intact."

Xu Ruoying pressed the brakes, stopping at the edge of a suburban road. She turned her head to stare at Feng Lin, "I want to marry you."

Feng Lin was somewhat speechless, "Didn't I tell you? I don't like your type."

"What type do you like?" asked Xu Ruoying.

"I like…" Feng Lin gestured with his hands, "the really big kind…"

"I am an E," Xu Ruoying said expressionlessly.

Feng Lin sneaked a glance, "Your appearance is up to standard, but your personality isn't. I like gentle older sisters."

"You're not a man. A woman like me is thrown into your lap, and you still don't dare to marry."

Xu Ruoying watched her vibrating phone, pressing speakerphone.

"Xiao Ying, what the hell is going on? Feng Lin is a loser! Have you gone mad?" Wang Qin's angry voice came from the phone.

"You're the loser!"

Feng Lin couldn't hold back any longer; he was already fed up with being scorned even after breaking off his engagement.