Chapter 50 Gu Family Banquet_1


Feng Lin was at a loss for words for a moment; he looked towards the trees below the road and uttered just two words, "Once upon a time."

Du Qingyu didn't know how to continue the conversation, so she had no choice but to take Feng Lin back.

As they approached the building, Du Qingyu got out of the car. She pulled out a card from her pocket, "If you need my help, just call me, it's free."

After saying that, she turned and bounded away with a spring in her step.

Feng Lin glanced at the card; it had a phone number scrawled in black, handwritten letters, slightly slanted.

Her name, plus a number.

Feng Lin placed the card into his jacket's inner pocket. At that moment, his phone beeped with a new message.

Upon seeing it, he rode his bike towards the Zhou Family residence.

This little electric scooter didn't stop at the gate; Feng Lin rode it directly into the manor interior.