Chapter 54 Concealed Merit and Fame_1

After Feng Lin had left, the iron door was locked again.

Wang Jian took Feng Lin to another room in the distance, where Ye Xin was drinking coffee inside.

"What was this underground warehouse used for before?"

Feng Lin walked in with a smile, sat down on a chair, and asked.

"Sir must have also heard about how I got to this point. Those who didn't obey, after being shut in here for a few months, all became tame."

Ye Xin took a light sip of coffee and smiled, "As Sir expected, Song Zhengtao has arranged to meet me tonight, saying he wants to talk business."

"Ask for more, the money you're demanding is your fee for helping me this time." Feng Lin suddenly turned back before walking out, "Have someone prepare something to eat for us."

"Alright, I see Sir is worried about his girlfriend getting hungry, right? Do you need me to play matchmaker for you two?"

Ye Xin smiled as she picked up her coffee.

When she saw that Feng Lin did not reply, she took it as an implicit agreement.