Chapter 125 Desperate Ye Yan_1

Feng Lin chuckled and shrugged in the distance, not expecting this woman to be so clever, knowing to ask clearly first.

"That's right! Is your target also Feng Lin?"

The middle-aged man wearing a mask asked in a deep voice.


Ye Yan nodded forcefully and sneered coldly at Feng Lin, not believing he would use the same old trick, thinking she was a fool.

Seeing this, Feng Lin immediately ran toward the back mountain; it wasn't convenient to fight here.


Ye Yan said sharply.

Both of them followed behind Feng Lin, all the way to the forest behind the park's back mountain.

Feng Lin looked around and felt it was about time; he would take care of them here.

The middle-aged man noticed Feng Lin stopping and without a second's pause, clenched his dagger and lunged to kill Feng Lin.

His mission this time was to take out Feng Lin; there was no need to waste time.

However, Ye Yan's goal was to capture Feng Lin alive and deliver him to Ye Kai.