Chapter 146: Bizarre Behavior_1

Feng Lin didn't expect them to be so sensitive.

It was just a casually mentioned place, yet they could read so much into it.

"But I really do live over there."

Feng Lin explained with a smile.

"Hey, bro, I know you want to save face, but you can't be dreaming like this."

"Alright honey, less talk, since they're asking us to drive there, let's just go."

Li Yuan and her boyfriend sang in tune, sneering covertly.

Feng Lin and Zhao Qingqing exchanged a glance, Zhao Qingqing embarrassingly lowering her head.

She felt rather shamefaced too; ridicule from acquaintances was bad enough, but she hadn't expected Feng Lin to be implicated as well.

A brief silence fell inside the car.

Li Yuan couldn't let such an opportunity slip by.

Her resentment towards Zhao Qingqing remained; after all, she had introduced that rich second-generation guy for Zhao Qingqing's sake.

Not only did Zhao Qingqing fail to appreciate it, she even had the audacity to speak ill of her in class the next day.