Chapter 167 Do you know who you are talking to?_1

Qin Peng nodded. To him, such a minor task was quite simple.

He took out his phone, ready to jot it down, but then he suddenly realized the license plate number looked familiar.

"That's right, it's a black Mercedes-Benz S Rank," Wang Fu reminded him.

"What? That's Xu Ruoying's car!" Qin Peng exclaimed excitedly, "Mr. Wang Fu, the man I want you to kill is Xu Ruoying's boyfriend."

"That woman's boyfriend?"

Wang Fu recalled the recent encounter with Feng Lin, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.

Excellent, it's this kid.

He had the nerve to haughtily tell me to get out of the car; it seems he needs to learn what true despair is.


Xu Ruoying dropped Feng Lin off at the villa, then drove herself to the company.

Feng Lin drove his own Wuling Hongguang to the Shuixian Clubhouse.

The flow of people in the clubhouse had returned to normal, and even in the morning, there were quite a few around.