Chapter 222 Despair_1

Liang Xiangwen also revealed a faint smile, as long as the bronze coffin was opened, the treasure would be up for grabs based on individual skill.

Feng Lin lowered his head and took out a fragment from his body, being a cautious person.

If it had been like in the past, when someone said there were no treasures inside the bronze coffin, Feng Lin would certainly have opened it to see for himself.

But this time, he decided to follow the last wish of that senior before him.

"What are you spacing out for? Hurry up!"

Liang Xiangwen also took out two fragments from his pocket and urged coldly.

Feng Lin clapped his hands together, rolling the fragments into a ball, and inside the fragments, a silver liquid appeared.

After touching the ground, it disappeared without a trace.

It seemed this was the special property of the fragment, which wouldn't work if it had been replicated with 3D printing.

"You little sh*t! What are you doing? Have you gone mad?"