Chapter 270: Only in Desperate Situations Can One Grow_1

Jiang Yu always felt that no man could be worthy of his daughter.

At first, he thought very poorly of this fiancé, Feng Lin.

What if he was ugly, weak, and of poor character...

But in contrast, his daughter was beautiful and powerful.

He even thought about calling off the wedding.

But having chanced upon him today, he found this fiancé to be quite acceptable.

His looks were above average, his stature tall, and key was his strength, which was very impressive.

He had just recently reached the middle stage of the God Aperture realm.

Yet Feng Lin was able to stop him in a short time.

That meant his strength was at least at the peak of the middle stage of the God Aperture, if not later.

At his age, to have such accomplishments, how many in Huaxia could match that?

"Ha ha, if it isn't Uncle, my apologies, I have tasks to attend to, so I will not disturb you further."

Feng Lin awkwardly clasped his hands together, preparing to leave.