Chapter 282 It Feels Great to Get Something for Free_1

There were only two items in total.

One was a metal slab of unknown material.

Feng Lin observed it carefully and was shocked to discover that it was a cultivation technique.

To some people, this thing was an invaluable treasure.

The other item was a ceramic bottle. Feng Lin opened it and found it contained elixir pills.

Just by looking, Feng Lin had no idea what it was and could only take it back for a thorough examination.

After packing away the metal slab and the elixir pills, Feng Lin continued to ask, "Besides these, is there anywhere else off-limits?"

"No, that's all I know." The woman shook her head, pleading, "Please let me go, don't kill me."

"Off you go, you're not needed here anymore."

Feng Lin gestured to the woman to leave.

Relieved, the woman instantly fled outwards.

Feng Lin took down the bedsheet from this place, walked out, and laid out all the precious medications on the sheet.

In the end, he folded it into a pack and carried it on his back.