Chapter 290: Battle of Wits with the Scholars_1

Gu Ya stared intently at Feng Lin, feeling an increasing sense of familiarity.

Suddenly, she was struck dumb, her eyes wide as saucers, taking in his eyes, his mouth, his height, his mannerisms.

Meng Changsheng!

She felt a rush of blood to her head, her brain going blank.

The chances were lower than winning the lottery, yet she had encountered it.

"No way!"

Gu Ya muttered to herself internally. It couldn't be such a coincidence.

Wenren Xi was probably over there looking for another man.

Because at this moment, "Meng Changsheng" wasn't looking at Wenren Xi at all; the two of them must not know each other.

But this thought was shattered the next second.

Wenren Xi walked over to Feng Lin and slapped his shoulder.

Feng Lin here was still trying to figure out how to explain to Wang Linger, and now Wenren Xi was approaching again.

"Feng Lin, why are you wearing a wig?"

Wenren Xi asked, puzzled.