Chapter 304 Seamless_1

Mu Xiaoyu felt a bit better when she thought about this.

After all, she had only agreed to one thing for Feng Lin, and he couldn't control what she wanted to do.

When the time came, she'd make a scene in front of Feng Lin's wife.

Either his wife would leave,

or she herself would become the real wife.

Otherwise, Feng Lin would choose his wife and drive her away.

That way, she could finally escape from Feng Lin's clutches.

She didn't believe that Feng Lin's wife would tolerate her existence.

"By the way, Xiao Yu, how's your physical fitness?"

Feng Lin was now very interested in humans who had been modified by the True Human Clan organization.

Mu Xiaoyu pretended to sleep, ignoring Feng Lin.

She had thought she met a good man and was ready to entrust her life to him.

It turned out he was just another jerk.

"I'm talking to you," he said.

Feng Lin came over to Mu Xiaoyu's side.

Mu Xiaoyu still closed her eyes, ignoring Feng Lin.