Chapter 320: Overtaking on a Bend_1

"Damn it! These people are so disgusting!"

Seated in the back, Shengongsi Qiuhui was furious.

But Feng Lin didn't say a word, just slowly pressed the accelerator to the floor.


The Wuling Hongguang roared to its limits, its speed getting faster and faster.

"Feng Lin, forget it, we can't catch up, they're driving a Porsche."

Xu Ruoying said from the back.

"There's only one road here, and there are several corners coming up."

Feng Lin said calmly.

The first corner.

Feng Lin executed a tail flick drift, instantly passing it.

Then came the second corner.

After a few consecutive drifts, Feng Lin caught sight of the Porsche's tail again.

"Holy shit! That Wuling Hongguang actually caught up."

The young man with permed hair in the passenger seat noticed Feng Lin's car through the rearview mirror.

The driver was bald, wearing a cap, and said with a laugh, "I'll give them a scare."

He began to slow down, keeping in a straight line with Feng Lin's car.