Chapter 330: Kneeling Down_1


Feng Lin frowned with displeasure, "I admit I was going a bit fast, but you suddenly came around the corner, head down playing on your phone. Aren't you also to blame?"

"Who the hell do you think you are to accuse me?" Liu Fang lashed out at Feng Lin, "You think you're all that just because you know Huang Kai?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

Feng Lin's face was full of annoyance, remembering how this woman had been incredibly pretentious at dinner yesterday.

She looked down on him.

"Haha! Good! Very good! If you don't kneel down and apologize to me today, I swear I'll take your last name!"

Liu Fang immediately took out her phone and called Zhang Bo.

Huang Kai's family was more formidable than Zhang Bo's, but Huang Kai was not favored at home.

His mother had died early, and his father remarried a woman from a decent family.

They also had a son.

Everyone knew that the future heir of the Huang family would be Huang Kai's younger brother.