Chapter 345 Low-Level Tricks_1

Sun Xuanrui felt she couldn't sit here any longer, the circle was a bit terrifying.

Especially when Xie Xing looked at Feng Lin, hostility emerged in his eyes.

She had been sitting with Feng Lin all this time, and if the other party misunderstood and thought she was Feng Lin's good friend,

her newly established company might be doomed.

With this in mind, she tried to act casual and stood up nonchalantly.

She made a pretext of heading to the bathroom.

"Miss Alice, do you know him?"

Xie Xing asked, puzzled.

"Right, Mr. Xie, it seems I don't have time today."

Alice smiled at Xie Xing, then turned her gaze to Feng Lin, "Sir, do you have time today?"

"Probably not."

Feng Lin shook his head slightly.

The surrounding crowd was so shocked, they were left speechless.

Indeed, it's the unattainable ones who stir things up, while the favored ones are fearless.

To think he would refuse an invitation from such a beauty!