Chapter 366 National Annual GDP_1

Seeing Long Shao leave, the round-faced man immediately took out his cellphone and sent a message to the experts at home.

His name was Dian Qi, and he was the direct descendant of a Hidden World Family.

Noble in status, on his own turf, everyone who saw him had to show the utmost respect.

But this time, the relic was said to be from an Ancient Sect.

He knew many rumors, how many initially inconspicuous individuals had found opportunities in the relics of an Ancient Sect.

In just a few years, they could carve out their own place in the world.

Now, many founders of emerging Hidden World Families were like this.

As for the original large families, seizing these opportunities could take them to a whole new level.

Thus, a great many powerful forces had come this time.

Compared to them, his ordinary Hidden World Family was nothing but trash.

Take, for example, the man from before, named Long Tian'ao, a direct descendant of a top-tier Hidden World Family in Huaxia.