Chapter 27

We got off the Ferris wheel and followed the last few people out of the showgrounds. Dean remained quiet his eyes dark as he wrapped one arm around my waist. With a start he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Yeah boss?" He nodded and could hear Mathew on the other end on the line.

"Seems like the shit has really hit the fan here, we're going to be here all night at this rate. Could you take Danica back to her apartment?" Dean nodded.

"This situation at the company is that bad?" I heard an annoyed laugh from Jenny but her voice was too muffled to tell what she was saying.

"Bad and then some. Got to go." Dean slipped his phone away.

"Looks like they're going to be pulling an all-nighter." I Shrugged and looked at his face.

"You don't have to take me back to my apartment. I'm a big girl I know the way." He smirked.

"I know, but I want to." He shrugged as a little blush began on his cheeks. "It's… unless you don't want me to?" He added hurriedly and scratched at the back of his head.

"Just so you know where you'll stand... I only have casual hook ups." I gave him a look. "I'm not the settle down type." He smirked and nodded but pulled me closer. I gave a little smirk and pointed.

"Do you have a car or shall we take the city chariot?" He looked up and grinned.

"I didn't bring my car." I led the way to the stop where the bus was already pulling to a stop. "I haven't taken the bus in years." He grinned as we stepped on and I flashed my student ID and saw Dean pull out $5. He grabbed his ticket and we took a seat near the back of the bus. Dean ducked down and grunted as he sat in the middle of the bus and stretched out his long legs. I smirked and watched as the bus filled quickly then squealed forward.

The bus ride was long, this bus took us the long way round to the other side of the city. It came to the bottom of the high hill my apartment building was on so we had a little walk to my doorstep.

I pointed to the door when the bus came closest our destination and Dean got up. When the doors opened, we stepped out onto the sidewalk and began to wander through the streets to my apartment.

We turned a corner and the park came into sight. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I remembered the hunters chasing me through here last night. I forced myself to relax as Dean had noticed my reaction. With a spring in my step we made our way past the little park and onwards through the main streets.

Suddenly I smelt it, wolfsbane. I grabbed Dean by the shirt my fingers touching skin. He stopped and looked as I began to pull him away from an ally way.

"Move it!" I began to run pulling him with me. His confusion didn't last long when werewolves erupted from the alleyway.

"Fuck! Not the Watchdogs?" I shook my head and pulled him across the road and down into the park. With gritted teeth I thought about what the next move should be. "There just werewolves, I can take them." I shook my head and saw a flash of silver.

"Get down!" I dived forward and pushed him to the ground as I took the blow. The little bottle exploded against my face. I snorted and saw the look of horror spread over Deans' face as the smell of wolfbane and silver hit him.

"Danica!" He tried to wipe my face but I stopped him.

"Don't touch it." I looked back, the werewolves were too close. "Get up!" I pulled him to his feet and kicked out viciously catching the nearest wolf on the muzzle and sending it back.

In a flash Dean swiped his arm through the air and his claws caught a second werewolf sending it flying across the road and into the path of a taxi. There was a crunch as the taxi tried to stop but rolled over the top of the wolf.

"Howl!" I demanded. Dean frowned as he looked at me.


"Just do it!" I ordered and to my surprise he did. I watched as the remaining eight werewolves and six hunters began to surround us. I dropped my teddy bear and popcorn to the ground next to the unicorn then took my chance to pick out my targets.

With a spring I leaped into the air and collided with a hunter as he sat on the back of a wolf. With a thud I knocked him from the wolf and brought my claws out to rip his throat to shreds with one swing. Blood spurted out from the open wound, and I rounded to counter the wolves that came at me. I twisted and felt my t-shirt and shorts grow tight as my muscles grew in size and a wave of primordial energy ripped through me. A low snarl left my lips that caused all the werewolves present to shudder. With there hesitation I attacked.

As another hunter and two wolves died from my attack I heard Dean let out a cry and the smell of silver filled the air. The werewolves jumped back to avoid the silver and I saw the remaining four hunters surrounding Dean. I snapped and leapt.

The female hunter that had been plaguing me turned and her eyes opened wide. With a stagger she pointed and raised the alarm, but it was too late. I hit the two nearest hunters, my momentum and sharp claws ripping deep holes through their sides and spilling their guts to the grass below their feet. I looked to the woman and her companion as they sounded the retreat.

"Not this time bitch, you've hounded me long enough!" I ran after her catching up in no time and tossing her back like a ragdoll. The male hunter with her tossed another vile of silver at me and it shattered over my skin. He shouted in panic then gurgled as he died my hand snapping his neck and my claws ripping through his throat and pulling out his windpipe and severing the arteries. As I let his body drop, I rounded on the last hunter.

Suddenly like a ripple in the black shadow the watchdogs turned up. In the chaos I had made they set about finishing off the last of the werewolves.

I smirked and looked at the terrified eyes of the hunter. She glared up at me and her lips trembled.

"What the fuck are you?" She started but I wasn't in the mood to let her ask questions. I grabbed her and snarled.

"Why are you after me?" She pursed her lips and was about to spit at me. I shook her and gave her a back handed slap. "Why?" I ordered. She gasped.

"It's my job to eliminate loose ends. Like the Banshee." I let a laugh leave my lips as confusion shot over her face.

"And you think that's me?" She nodded. "Why?" I ordered again.

"The vampire bitch hit the Banshee with a special mark. I saw it on your leg when you left the Phantom plaza." I snarled.

"How did you know where to find me?" I ordered and she winced as her nose began to bleed.

"We waited here for you to turn up. It made sense that you stayed nearby." I let another snarl leave my lips and I smelt piss in the air.

"Why do you want the Alpha's sons dead?" She gritted her teeth in an effort to keep from talking.

"They… were in… the way." She hissed then I heard a crack.

Suddenly her eyes rolled back in her head and her body began to start convulsing. A whiff of brimstone filled my nose and I immediately tossed her into the large pond. With a watery plop she hit the surface and slipped below then an explosion blasted up.

I pushed back my killing urges and felt my clothes loosen to normal then made my way back to Dean as he was slumped on the ground. I looked at his ripped clothes then pulled the shirt off and used the dry side to try and wipe the silver solution from his shoulder.

The night became quiet and someone coughed next to me. I looked up and sighed in relief. Oscar stood next to us his scar covered and dark-skinned body almost invisible in the night. He looked down and his brilliant smile was red.

"So, what the fuck are hunters doing working with werewolves in my city?" I shrugged and someone gave me a bottle of water.

"Quickly wash that shit off him." I nodded and ripped the cap off then tipped the water over the nasty burn eating away at Deans skin and down his arm.

"I have no clue what they're up too, but I know someone who might be able to find out." I heaved Dean up to his feet. "I need to get him back to mine to treat these wounds… Unless you have a doctor around here?" I looked at Oscar hopefully and he grinned.

"Come on," He looked to his men. "You lot clean up this mess. We don't need the humans sticking their noses in here. And don't forget the wolf on the road." He grabbed Dean's safe side and together we left the park and slipped down a side alley then into a basement apartment.