I spluttered as I surfaced away from the putrid thing inside me. I shifted out of wolf form, and man, did it feel good to touch grass. I usually wasn’t much of a I-love-nature guy. I just, kept my head down, did my work, followed orders, and that was that.
But man did this world smell good!
I took in the beautiful light of my surroundings. Trees were so vivid! I loved how brown bark could be. There were all sorts of… well, no. There weren’t any flowers where we were. Just a lot of bushes and stuff. Where were we? How far had we gone, anyway?
I had been so wrapped up in AJ that I had lost sense entirely of everything else.
… no matter. There were trees tightly clustered enough to form a canopy and a decent amount of dirt. And it was the most beautiful thing I had seen.
Next to AJ, of course. Now, where had he gone to?