Chapter 10: The Sybil

Loren POV

I followed the Sybil tentatively into her office in the Astral Tower. I didn’t know what to make of the strange Wizard, as she would mumble under her breath and stare intently into the distance as though there was something of great interest among the shifting clouds.

“Have a seat, Miss Ambrose,” the Sybil said absentmindedly as she continued to stare at a painting of some ancient mage.

I took a seat and waited in silence for about ten minutes, waiting for the Sybil to speak. It seemed as though she had forgotten I was there. I coughed to gain her attention, but she ignored that.

I was getting a little annoyed and was about to say something when Parris finally spoke. “Patience is a virtue, Miss Ambrose, especially for a mage,” Parris released quietly. “In many ways, magic is alive and has a will of its own. In order for us to master it, we must be able to master ourselves.”