Chapter 13: Recollection and Reconciliation

Loren POV

A week had passed since the Sybil had informed me about the prophecy. Alex had asked his interim Alpha for information and what he found out did not fill me with great confidence.

Just from observing Alex, werewolves already seemed incredibly powerful to me. Now he was telling me that apparently there was an older and more powerful breed? One that made even the most powerful werewolves of Alex’s pack scared?

It was too much to handle.

“Are you Loren?” a short, pretty girl with strawberry blonde hair asked me while I sat facing the fountains.

“That would be me,” I answered with a smile, trying not to show how anxious I actually was.

“I’m Sarrah,” she said shyly, “I’m part of Alex’s pack, well, soon to be his pack. He told me about your run in with Sybil Parris.”

I felt a bit concerned that someone else now knew about the crazy prophecy that had placed a huge target on my back, but I realized that Alex would not have told someone whom he didn’t trust.