Chapter 29: Sybil Circe

Loren POV

I was happy that Alex and Riley had finally managed to get along with one thing. I however was not happy that it was at the cost of me getting frozen in a snowman.

They eventually got me and warmed me up by the fire. But honor could not be so easily restored

At least I got a warm cuddle from Alex when we went to sleep.

The next morning however, our group woke up to something that definitely had not been there the night before:

A large wooden door just stood in the middle of our camp. There was an hourglass symbol embossed on its surface.

“That’s the symbol of a Sybil,” Sarrah pointed out. “I guess we found her.”

“More like she found us,” I muttered.

Circe definitely knew that we were coming and where we would be.

Her safe house was in a pocket dimension, which made sense for someone who was in hiding. But she was allowing us to enter which meant she also knew why we were here.