Chapter 57: The Purple Sun

Loren POV

Jam and I arrived at Lilith’s cabin and found her outside as though she was expecting our arrival. Her face was almost unreadable, but she had a sense of exhaustion about her.

“You’re back,” she said, “and by the look of you, I’m guessing that Amedis is still alive.”

“He killed my boyfriend,” I said, controlling my emotions.

No matter how many times I said out loud that Alex was dead, my heart just refused to want to accept it.

“The Prophecy told me to find you,” I told her, “It said that you should show me the River. Do you know what it meant by that?”

Lilith closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

“Unfortunately, I know all too well what it means,“ Lilith replied. “You should come inside before you both freeze to death.”

Jam whispered a tiny “Thank God!” and the two of us followed Lilith into her home.