Chapter 5: PROJECT

Okay, enough of introduction, let's start the meeting. Said Kuldeep.

I have something very important to announce, so listen to me carefully... he started.

"FASHION STUNNER EVENT" is coming, so everybody start your preparations.

Akansha, I want you to design a costume which should be nature inspired. This is your first project, so don't disappoint me. Said Kuldeep.

Akansha replied, sure sir___I won't.

Same goes to you Shreya, you should also design a costume which should represent nature. The best among two will be selected for "FASHION STUNNER EVENT" ramp walk. Said Kuldeep.

What is the date of the event? Sir. Asked Akansha.

Event is on 25th of August, but before that, there is a photoshoot which falls on 23rd. So, both of you submit your designs before that. Answered Kuldeep and left the room.

Akansha and Shreya glared at each other and part ways.

Both Akansha and Shreya were working hard as the days passed.


Hey Abhijeet, MD is calling you to his cabin said Rohan,( one of his colleague) and left for work.

Knock, knock... May I come in sir, asked Abhijeet. Yes Abhi come in said his MD Rajveer.

Abhi, I have a project for you and this is very important one. So don't forget and do it properly.

Sure. sir I'll definitely do it with full dedication.

I trust you. The details regarding the project are here in this red file. Make sure you read and start your work. By the way, you should submit this on 22nd august. Said Rajveer .

Abhijeet said okay Sir, later Rajveer asked him to leave the room. Abhijeet nodded and left.

After leaving the room, he felt thirsty so, he went to drink some coffee. To make his coffee he kept his file on the table, while Rohan was walking towards the same coffee vending machine, he slipped and the file which he was carrying fell with the abhijeet's file and got mixed up, Rohan said sorry and unknowingly took Abhijeet's file and left, because Rohan's file was also red in colour.