Chapter 22: PROMISE

Next day morning, alarm rings,,,,,,,,,,,,

Akansha switched off her alarm. Moved the curtains of her room. She went to her bathroom, brushed her teeth, took bath and came out. She wore a pastel green colour salwar kameez which made her look simple and at the same time pretty.

She stood in front of her mirror to check how she was looking.

I have to make so many arrangements today, so that my parents can be happy tomorrow. Akansha said to herself and walked out of her room taking her bag.

Mom, I'll get going now. Said Akansha and was about to leave.

Wait Akansha, Where are you going? Asked her Mom.

I am going to the caterer to confirm the menu for tomorrow. Later, I will be going for shopping. Answered Akansha.

Are you going alone?

No, Mom. I have asked Dipika to come with me. She is waiting for me downstairs in the cab.

Come soon. Said her mom holding Akansha's cheeks. Akansha hugged her, said bye and went out.

Hi... Dipika. Thank you for coming. Said Akansha.

Hi..... Akku. Don't say thanks. As a friend, it's my duty to help you. Said Dipika and hugged her.


Bhupendra's (Akansha's father) phone rings....

He attends the call.

Hello... Bhupendra how are you? Asked a voice from other side

Akhilesh (Bhupendra's friend). Is that you? Asked Bhupendra.

Yes. It's me.

What a surprise? I am fine. It's been a long time since we spoke. How are you? Asked Bhupendra.

I am fine. Replied Akhilesh.

Where are you?

I am coming to your city tomorrow. Said Akhilesh.

Wow! That's great to hear. Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. My daughter is organizing a party for it. I am inviting you. So you should definitely come. Said Bhupendra.

I will, Bhupendra. But aren't you forgetting something. Asked Akhilesh.

What am I forgetting? Asked Bhupendra.

Few years ago, when there was a fire accident, I saved you from it. So, you promised me that you will get your daughter marry to my son. It's time for you to fulfill your promise.

Sure. Akhilesh. I will. I am going to surprise my daughter by announcing this in the party tomorrow. Make sure you bring your son tomorrow. Said Bhupendra.

Let's hope, that everything will go smoothly tomorrow. Said Akhilesh.

Yes, of course. Said Bhupendra.

Okay then. See you tomorrow at the party. Bye. Said Akhilesh.

Bye. Said Bhupendra.

They hung up the call.

Bhupendra came out of his room.

Pramila, (Akansha's mother) where is Akansha?

She has gone out, to do the arrangements for tomorrow.

Why do you ask?

I have something to tell her. Okay then, tell me, once she comes home. Said Bhupendra and went inside his room.


The cab stopped in a busy road, near an office.

Akansha and Dipika stepped out of the cab.

The office has a name board, in which 'EXCELLENT FOOD CATERERS' was written.

Akku, how did you know about this caterers? Asked Dipika.

During my internship, I went to a conference in a hotel. There, I had many varieties and was so good. When I asked, who was the caterer, they gave me this card. Said Akansha and showed the card to Dipika.

Come let's go inside and confirm the menu. Said Akansha and went inside the office.

After seeing the menu, she selected and returned the pamphlet to them. She gave them an advance. Please make sure, you deliver the food on time.

The office men nodded and said sure ma'am. Don't worry. We will deliver it on time.

Later, Akansha and Dipika stepped out of the office.

They sat on the cab.

Where are we heading now? Akansha. Asked Dipika.

Now it's time for shopping. Said Akansha in a excited tone, with Dipika giving hifi to her with her hands.