Chapter 32: A MILD ATTACK

What happen to Uncle? Asked Raj keeping a worried face.

I don't know Raj. I was talking to him. Suddenly he collapsed. Said Akansha.

By the way, what is the reason for your presence in this hospital? Asked Akansha.

Actually, I came to see my friend. Replied Raj.

Oh ok... Now, what should I do know? All the doctors are on strike. This is the only hospital, which is near our house. Rest are far from here. I don't know, what to do? Said Akansha.

Ok wait. One of my friend is working as a Doctor here. I'll call him and ask him to come immediately.

Akansha nodded. Then Raj called his friend Varun and told him what happened.

Akansha was just staring Raj with a curiosity of knowing about his friend.

Raj then hung up the call

Don't worry Akansha. My friend will be here in five minutes, as he stays nearby. Said Raj.

Akansha sighed and thanked Raj for helping her.

After five minutes, Varun entered the hospital and approached the receptionist.

Why didn't you call me Ms. Rita. You should have called me, when there is an emergency. Don't repeat this again. Scolded Doctor Varun.

But... But... Sir. Studdered Rita with her words. Later she apologized to Akansha.

It's okay. Said Akansha.

Let me see the patient. Said Varun and entered the room.

Akansha with her family and Raj were waiting on the corridor outside the room.

Fifteen minutes later.....

Varun came out of the room and approached the family members.

Akansha your Dad is stable now. But we have to keep him under observation for one day. Said Doctor Varun.

What is the reason for him to collapse? Asked Akansha.

Varun sighed and said, "Your Dad had an mild attack. "

After hearing this, Akansha covered her mouth with her hands. Tears came rolling down from her eyes. "Am I the reason for him to suffer from a heart attack. I should not have told him about my relationship. It's my fault." Thought Akansha.

But he is stable, but not out of danger. Make sure you don't pressurize or give him any stress.

He is weak. So follow the diet, which I will be saying. Make him happy.

Okay Doctor. We will follow the things, you have told. Replied Akansha.

When can we see him? Asked Pramila.

I have given him an injection. So, let him rest. After an hour, you can see him.

Everyone nodded. Thank you so much. Doctor. Said Akansha.

Thank you for coming. Varun. Said Raj and hugged him.

Don't thank me. Patients are my first priority. Ok then. I'll be off. If there is anything, you need, feel free to call me. Said Varun and left.

Akansha went near her father'room and saw his father lying on the bed through the round see-through glass.

Then she sat on the chair, which was on the corridor. Everything which happened from the beginning till the end, kept popping up in her head. This made her regret and irritated at the same time.