Chapter 50: Strange New World

Mr. Bedlam, Hiytax and the others quickly rushed up to the main concourse to try and see what was happening. All of Olympus had begun to shake and countless silo doors around the facility began to slide open. The multitude of ignitions drowned out all other sound for minutes until the hundreds of missiles launched from the facility and began to arc upwards into the sky.

Mr. Bedlam abruptly turned to Athena, “Calculate their trajectory and determine the damage they will cause to Ares upon impact,” Mr. Bedlam then turned to the others, “If anyone wishes to live through this, they will need to evacuate now, I suggest escaping to your ship.”

Jefferson, the calculated destruction to Ares is minimal… Eden will be significantly damaged by the concussive impact of the nuclear weapon targeting it, but the city shield will protect it from any radiation or nuclear fire.