Chapter 20: Rude Awakening

Cayden POV

What kind of sucker picks a wife for the man he’s in love with?

My kind, apparently.

It’s just after 6 AM. The pack is slowly waking, getting ready to start their day before the sun crests over the horizon.

I even saw Kline walking toward his home from who knows where, looking pretty smug for the time of day.

My own sleepless adventure through the night has brought me here. Standing over Maverick, in his room, as he sleeps.

What’s more surprising is that I was able to get in here, undetected. Maverick either feels completely comfortable in my presence, or he’s a ridiculously heavy sleeper.

The chortle that shakes its way from his throat indicates the latter.

As I stare at his sleeping face, peaceful in a way that hides when he’s awake, I can’t drive down the urge to want to crawl under the covers with him and soak up his body heat.

‘You don’t get to do that to me.’

As if I needed reminding.