The few times Illyra had left the ice palace, snow soldiers had lurked close by. She’d visited the courtyard and one of the gardens, but she hadn’t had the desire to go further since her only company was mute soldiers.
“I’m worried you're not getting out enough,” Sabriel said, sitting at the end of Illyra’s bed.
The princess sat at her vanity, preening her red hair and touching up the makeup around her eyes. For the first time in her life, she didn’t have to hide her leaf birthmarks. She could wear them proudly. How strange was it that she found that freedom in the kingdom of her enemy?
“The guards never talk to me and I can’t get very far on foot in this snow,” she muttered, a quick wave towards the windows.
“Okay, then I’ll take you for a ride,” Sabriel offered.
“Really?” Illyra asked, swiveling around in her seat.
“Yeah, of course,” Sabriel said. She jumped to her feet, grinning.
“Sabriel, that would be… yes, please!” Illyra gushed jumped to her feet.