Chapter 45: Show Me Your Spaceship

Zacar grunted back then gently pushed her forward. She walked through the passage with her heart in her throat. Her knees shook terribly and she was sure the inhaler in her pocket would burn her through her clothes.

Once they reached the main cave, she forced herself to smile at him. "Please excuse me. I need to uh...use the bathroom." She drew away from him and gestured vaguely in the direction of the showers.

He looked down at her for a moment. She thought he would touch her but he stepped back. "I need to return. Do not go in there again."

She hesitated but couldn't resist asking, "What would you do if I did?" She shouldn't waste time and give him the opportunity to think about searching her for the inhaler. But it galled her that he would refuse her access to her own mountain.

"Take you out."

Her blood froze in her veins then she relaxed. His matter-of-fact tone said he meant take her out of the cave, like he just had.