Huddled in one corner of the hovercraft, Natalie looked around, seeing only the pilot and the two raiders who'd captured her. The last time she was this scared was when the raiders held her captive. At least the aliens treated her well, even after her escape attempt. The raiders didn't have a strict code of honor like the one Zacar and his warriors lived by. The Zyrgins might be fierce and contemptuous of weakness, but they didn't prey on the weak like the raiders did.
She knew exactly what would happen to her when they got to their camp. She licked her dry lips and clutched her arms around herself.
Zacar will come for me, she told herself. She lowered her head and crossed her legs. He'd come for her, even if it was just for the unborn children she carried. Please let him come for me soon, before I turn into one of those empty-eyed women they show on the news.
"Where are you taking me?" She didn't look up, couldn't face looking at their savage features.