Chapter 54: Rescued

Her body was too sore; she couldn't move. Something was wrong with one of her eyes. It felt like it was going to burst from its socket. Afraid he'd start assaulting her again, she slowly crawled back onto the chair, though it was impossible to sit up straight.

"Not so proud now, huh? I'll ask you one more time. The formula."

Maybe she should tell him about the notebook. Zacar could defend the cave and Murdoch's men would never be able to breach it. It might give her a reprieve.

"It's in the cave somewhere. My father said he hid it there but I've never found it." She was ashamed of lying and pointing his viciousness at Zacar and the others. But she knew that if more raiders were sent to the cave, the aliens could defend themselves.

"So that's why the mercenaries are defending the cave," Murdoch said.