Chapter 65: A Creature from Hell Haunts Me

Still, nothing would give him greater satisfaction than wiping out the humans. And Zurian was not altogether sure they should cater this much to the whims of their breeders.

Zacar nodded. "We could not trace the call, but we could listen to the conversation. A slaver is coming here and he will be bringing information to the reverend. They said it could not be trusted over their primitive TC."

Zurian sneered. "And they think a puny human could keep the information safe?"

"Their logic escapes me, as well."

"I will meet with the reverend and stay in town. I can camouflage and listen to their conversations." Many times he'd camouflaged and stood next to a human who had never known he was there. It was something that had puzzled the warriors from the beginning. Zurian might not be able to see other warriors when they were camouflaged, but he could sense them. Humans had weak hearing and didn't see very far and, on top of that, had no sensors to warn them when danger approached.