"You said we have to wait here. What are we waiting for?"
She sat down gingerly and clasped her arms around her knees. She would've liked to brace her back against the wall, but some oily sludge and other unidentifiable objects coated it in a greasy film. He crouched opposite her and she refused to admit that his large presence comforted her. Her creepometer was off the scale but more from her memories of him than his actual presence.
"We need to wait here. That is all you need to know."
"Couldn't you break us out of here, then we can wait outside? This place is nauseating."
She pressed her hand against her nose but it didn't keep the stench out. If she could convince that drug-addled mind it would be a good idea to escape and not wait for this mysterious person to arrive, she might be able to get away from him.
"The man I am seeking will come here," he said.