Chapter 75: Escape

She sat up and pushed her hair beneath her cap again before she scrambled off his jacket. He pulled her behind him and felt her small hands rest on his middle.

The door crashed open and Jackson swaggered in. "Now, ain't this cozy."

He stood in front of the bars and leered at them. Zurian waited for him to step closer, just one step, and he would end this worthless human who dared threaten Julia. The man's gaze fell on the broken bars and he stumbled back from the cell.

"Oh shit, he's on crack." He ran out, the other thugs close on his heels.

"He's going to tell them you're on Superman Crack," Julia said and her hands gripped his shirt until it pulled too tight around him.

"Superman Crack?" he asked, puzzled by their conclusion.

She had asked him earlier about drugs. That must be what crack referred to.

"You know, the stuff that made you strong enough to bend the bars," she said.