Chapter 92: It Is an Honor for You

His words should've scared her. Instead, her breath caught, her breasts rose and fell. She knew he would never hurt her. In spite of his arrogance, all his actions have been to protect her. He'd even stepped in front of bullets for her. He looked down at her and she watched, fascinated, as a red tendril mixed with the tar in his eyes. Another one surfaced and she thought she would drown in the endless black-and-red swirls.

His body vibrated against hers and she rose toward him, anticipating a passionate onslaught.

Then nothing. His gaze turned cold, the red tendrils forced back by the black tar, his body absolutely still against hers.

Something had changed. It was as if the atmosphere in the room had frozen.

"Wait! This is going too fast." She needed to understand why he turned off his emotions like that.