Chapter 98: Their Eyes Turn Red

She half expected to see Zurian waiting for her with his booted feet apart and his arms crossed over his chest. Instead, she stepped out into a beautiful fall day - a slightly cold wind and a painfully beautiful blue sky above her. Julia looked at the abundance of trees. Natalie's hand in restoring the mountain could clearly be seen. Not for the first time, she thought that the world needed more Natalie's.

Finding the cave was ridiculously easy once she spotted the monolith.

She stopped and stared at the dome covering the entrance of the cave. The huge rock hid the cave entrance with the door camouflaged to blend with the mountains. Some kind of force field hummed over a large area in front of the opening. It looked like glass but she was sure it was something like a magnetic shield. "You just have to love copper-green guys with technology like this."