Chapter 167: Natalie

Maeve knew what she had to do, knew who could help her. She just had to figure out a way to evade Larz and get to him. As usual he was up and had left already. Zyrgins seemed to function with very little sleep. And they took the meaning of "idle hands are the devil's tools" to new heights. They built or trained every hour of the day.

She got up, showered, and dressed in jeans and a heavy sweater. It was while she ate breakfast that the solution came to her.

She had Natalie's TC address and now she gathered her strength and used it.

"Hallo, Marcie, what can I do for you?" Natalie was scrupulously polite, but her expressionless face said it all. She'd dealt with the monster lurking inside Maeve.

Maeve suppressed the need to snarl at her not to call her that. "I need the doctor, but I know Larz will freak out."

Natalie studied her with those kind brown eyes and then nodded. "I think I can help you. Just continue as you normally do, and I'll make sure you can come to visit me."