Chapter 170: Sarah

He stared off into the valley for a long time. She expected him to treat the discussion as finished but, after a long silence, he turned to her. "She is staying with Natalie. We moved her from the guesthouse after you threatened her the first time. She walks outside every day. We will wait for her."

So that's why he always took her back to the dwelling before two. So that Sarah could walk outside unhindered by her presence. Maeve didn't remember threatening Sarah and shuddered to think what she did either time. Or was it only two times?

"No matter what you say, I know they whipped you because of me. I won't give them the opportunity to hurt you again. It won't happen again, not because of me."

His hand tightened on hers. "They won't whip me for this."

"Are you sure?"


She tried to see the truth on his face, in his eyes, as usual he gave nothing away. "All right, I'll talk to her."