Chapter 185: I Smell Dangerous

This much joy surging through her veins couldn't be good. Nothing good ever came of taunting fate by trying to grab onto happiness. Stuff fate. She'd almost exploded due to nanos. She'd grab onto happiness and hold on for all she was worth.

She threw her arms around his neck and held tight, returned his kiss with all the passion inside her. It was only when he lifted his head and rubbed his thumb over her cheeks that she realized she was crying, murmuring nonsense, and kissing him at the same time.

"Four hours is not enough to give you a proper first knowing."

She knew her eyes were unnaturally wide. Four hours wasn't enough? What on earth did he plan to do to her? His stamina frequently amazed her, but four hours?

He moved back slightly, his eyes devouring her. "You will not touch me"

"But why?" she wailed. She wanted to touch, kiss him, and pleasure him the way he did her.