Chapter 191: I Killed an Eduki for You

She expected Larz to grill her some more on her memories, but he went down the corridor toward the bedrooms and returned with a big brown pelt. Her heart started to stammer. Could it be an Eduki pelt? It just felt impossible that her life would suddenly become so good in such a short time.

"I killed the Eduki for you after I took you from the raider camp."

She eyed the huge pelt that reminded her vaguely of a bear pelt. "You were still small then. How did you manage to kill such a big bear, I mean Eduki." She appreciated it, more than she could tell him, that he'd done it before they realized what Parnell had done to her.

"I was a superior Zyrgin warrior."

She noted the past tense. "I wish I was worth it, worth you."

"You are worth it."

"No, I'm not. If I was a worthy person for you to give that Eduki pelt to, I wouldn't have stolen that ring and Sarah would never have been taken."

"Her mother would have found another excuse to sell her."