Chapter 209: A Ball of Wool

He stood there naked, not seeming to be bothered by his lack of modesty in the least. Tall and muscled, he was the perfect male specimen. Even though he was an alien. His body was covered in tough-looking, raised veins her fingers itched to trace. There was something seriously wrong with her because she thought he was perfectly proportioned and his striated skin looked less and less snake-like the longer she looked at him. It had a strange exotic beauty.

"Put your clothes back on and...and go away." Yeah, that sounded forceful and convincing. She looked around - a weapon, she needed a weapon. And she desperately needed to stop admiring his body.

"No." He put something on the shelf next to the bed and turned to face her again, naked and uncaring that everything dangled in her face. And if she wasn't this scared, maybe she'd be impressed. At least he had human-like tools.