Chapter 217: Alien Prison

Rose opened her eyes and instantly knew where she was: in an alien prison, under a big pelt, coming from an animal that had the bad misfortune to cross a big alien's path.

The trembling started low in her stomach. Anger so overwhelming, it wanted to levitate her body, coursed through her. Rose screamed and screamed until the sound echoed around the silver room.

She'd been so close. So close and that talking, Komodo-dragon wannabe came and messed it up. She closed her eyes, took a shuddering breath. She didn't have it in her to go back into that hole.

Breeder - that was what the alien called her, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what that meant. For her. She had to get away before that happened. He might be content to just hold her for now, but that wouldn't last. She'd seen and felt his impressive erection before his oddly charming ways seduced her into forgetting he was her enemy.