Chapter 224: It Was Too Easy

The sun coming up was only a faint promise. The flames from the fire crackled loud and threw shadows over his angular face. He might be in human disguise, but now she knew who he was, she could see Zanr's distinctive bone structure. How had she missed it?

It was the way he held the cup, with only three fingers, that had triggered her memory. Saying he made the fire with superior technology. Zanr had done that, too. His voice, the almost formal way he spoke, the odd cadence, had seemed familiar. Everything had registered and made her uneasy: the cloth that covered his picnic basket had been identical to the one she'd found in the truck she stole. All those things had been nagging at her, but it was when she saw how he held the cup that it had all clicked into place.

Face expressionless, he stared at her from across the fire. Tension crackled in the air with energy that rivaled the fire.