Chapter 243: Redemption

"Father, this is a surprise." Her heart beat faster, a rhythm of hope. Maybe he missed her, wanted to see her.

"I can't find Parnell. Let him know I want to talk to him." Her cheeks heated. What did she expect - that he'd call her by name, ask how she was?

Rose exchanged a glance with Zanr. What was she supposed to say? Zanr shook his head no. So they didn't want anyone to know what they did with Parnell. For a moment she was tempted to tell her father that Parnell had been captured by the aliens. To rally everyone in protest. But she quickly changed her mind. It would serve no purpose. Except to get a lot of people captured.

Zanr left the tent and she relaxed slightly. The last thing she wanted was for him to see how her family treated her. He was contemptuous enough of humans.