Chapter 271: Frankenstein's Monster

For Madison, the next two weeks rushed by in a blur of studying, painting, and doctoring. With her painting schedule reduced she now had four hours sleep every night. Still, she was tired all the time. Viglar tried to reduce her hours, but already she heard snide comments behind her back about being the alien favorite. Of being an alien lover.

Whenever she talked about him and called him Frankenstein, there he stood. The most aggravating part of it was the way he managed to work harder than them, double the hours, and without lagging. At least he didn't order her to take a bath in his quarters again. The others knew she reported to his office every morning and her relationship with her colleagues became strained. Several of them made caustic remarks about doctors going to alien quarters and getting their duties reduced. The unfairness of it all brought tears to her eyes sometimes. Even with her reduced painting schedule, she still worked longer hours than any of the others.