Chapter 274: Clinic

Inside the square building, they had a small clinic. The room was packed with women, some with black eyes; some holding their bodies at odd angles; and some lying on beds, clearly too sick to move. Madison struggled against the sense of distance, of tunnel vision, the lack of oxygen. What if she couldn't help them? What if she didn't know enough? What if one of them had the one problem she never learned.

'Help me Maddie, please make the pain go away.'

For one horrendous moment, she couldn't hear anything above the voice in her head haunting her.

"Human, stop being useless and start work," Viglar growled at her and it jerked her out of her nightmare.

Trying to smile at the women, she started at the closest bed. Most of the women lying down had the latest flu strain, which could be serious if they didn't receive adequate care. She opened her bag and took out the medication she'd brought with her. It wouldn't be enough.