Chapter 286: Do Not Leave Me Alone with Him

A hush fell over the staff room and then humans scattered in all directions, trying to look as if they were about to leave, but Viglar stood in the doorway so they sort of tried to meander casually.

He cocked his head, and she almost had the feeling he was trying to recall what a pizza was. "I will accompany you, and you and your friend will not be arrested."

"Nice little double standard you've got going there." She became aware of everyone's avid stares.

Rachel audibly moaned before she cut it off. Several of the interns who had tried to meander out would have to brush against Viglar to exit and now tried to find a reason to be walking around the cafeteria.

"I will meet you and your friend outside the building after your shift." He walked to the door and then stopped. "Do not be late."

I'm not going anywhere with him," Rachel hissed.