Chapter 292: Eight Hours of Fucking

He came in, still naked, handed her a cup, and sat down on the bed next to her, holding his own cup.

"This is the first time I've seen you drink coffee. I thought you guys didn't like it."

"It is a superior brew. Our theory is that a Zyrgin landed here centuries ago and planted it in Africa and showed humans how to cultivate it."

Madison stared at him. That was a joke. He couldn't possibly be serious. "You know, I'll learn to read your face eventually. I'll know if you are serious or joking."

"I look forward to when it happens. We now have to talk about hours."

"I've been meaning to ask you what you meant about hours. Is it about my duties?"

"Yes, it is about your duty to me. I require eight hours of fucking every night."

"What?" He had to be joking. She'd need medical treatment if she tried that.

"I will not negotiate."

"Do you have any idea what eight hours of that will do to my body?"

"The salve I made for you will ensure you do not become sore."